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To Veterans everywhere, I thank you.

Today is a  day to give thanks to those in this country who kept us all safe and continue to do so.

Thank you to your service to our country, and for defending us both far and near.

My dad is a veteran.

Korean War. 

He ended up training sentry dogs even though his education was in chemical engineering.  Last year he and my brother went out west to meet with the Canine Unit that served 50 years ago.  He met up with some folks he hadn't seen since the war ended.

Lets all take a moment to thank our Veterans.  Without them we wouldn't have our freedom.

Why legalization is a huge mistake
I'm not one who wades into the political spectrum very often. However, Ohio's vote on the legalization of marijuana, is a subject that is near and dear to my heart.

I'm not one who wades into the political spectrum very often. However, Ohio's vote on the legalization of marijuana, is a subject that is near and dear to my heart.

As a trainer of athletes throughout the past several decades, I have seen athletes…really good athletes…fall by the wayside more often than I’d like to remember.  The 3 vices that bring down wrestlers the most, and cause them to fall short of their goals, are: 
  • Wine
  • Women
  • Drugs

Let's take a closer look at each of these.


Drinking alcohol is already illegal for those under the age of 21, and the effects have been well documented. Drinking can lead to poor conditioning, impaired judgement, accidents, greatly decreased athletic ability and a host of other issues. There aren't many people who need convincing that alcohol use is a bad decision for youngsters.


Ask yourself how many times you've skipped a workout because of a significant other. Having a serious girlfriend can have serious consequences for an athlete. His focus shifts to something other than the task at hand. Anytime I see a wrestler holding hands with a girl at a wrestling meet, I know he's not focused on the meet. In life, it is imperative that we prioritize. Young athletes struggle to prioritize, especially when it comes to the opposite sex.


While the above two are well-known, the third one is the only one on the ballot in Ohio, where the state is considering legalization.

While much of the emphasis has been on medical marijuana, recreational marijuana would also become legal.

The True Story you must read

For those who argue that pot is a “harmless” drug, allow me to share with you this true story…

Years ago there was a young man who trained with me… came to camps, as well as my club. Had an edge to him but I liked him and enjoyed working with him. He was a likable, gregarious, outgoing young man.

As many athletes come and go, he did as well. I didn't hear much about him until about a year after his graduation…

That's when I saw his obituary in the paper.

A call to his coach told me the rest of the story…

He had started smoking pot early in high school, and continued after graduation. He slowly drifted, losing interest in everything in his life, except getting high.

They found his body next to the train tracks. They weren't sure how long he'd been there – perhaps 3 days. He was 19 years old.

A gateway drug

Marijuana is a 'gateway' drug…it often leads to the use of harder drugs. While I am well aware that many people smoke pot, lead constructive lives, and manage to do fine in life, there's no question that it has a dulling effect on the senses, causing one to care less about goals, plans, and life in general. And I know from personal experience the effect it can have on a young person. Quite frankly, in the position I am in, I have seen many athletes ruined by pot use. Too many to ever convince me it is a harmless recreational endeavor.

Here's my biggest concern with the legalization of pot…It condones use of drugs and it sends the wrong message to our young people. Even if the voters reject the legalization of pot, just having it on the ballot tells our young people that, on some level, we condone its use and don't think it is harmful. That's not the message we should be sending.

If you don't agree with me, that's fine. If you don't believe me, ask the mother, or the father, of a young person who died from the use of drugs, whether their child ever smoked pot. I can be pretty sure what their answer will be.

Don’t ever tell ME I’m not competitive
Don't ever tell me I'm not competitive.

Don't ever tell me I'm not competitive.

For a change of pace, and to support my kids, I volunteer in the local community to coach soccer every fall.  This has been a mostly positive experience, with youngsters whose chief motive is having fun, and most of the coaches and parents being supportive of that venture.

However, this season, an opposing coach decided to ruin it for everyone by bending the rules (to the point of breaking), then bragging about his team being “undefeated” after he cheated for most of the season.

Following a prior 3-3 tie game, his team 'borrowed' some players (while sitting his own rostered players on the bench), and promptly beat us 5-0.  A thorough humiliation.

When I questioned his tactics to the league office, their response is “Well he's very competitive.


Wrong thing said to wrong coach.

I'm as competitive as anyone – but I believe in competing fairly and honestly.

After this particular defeat, I stepped up my game.

I stayed up until around 5 am the night after the game…studying formations, downloading e-books and guides, and watching instructional videos.

Then I scheduled an extra practice a week – voluntary of course – for my team.  Brought them out here to the Home Attack Field, just to get in some extra practice.

Practices had a different tone to them…more structured workouts…and a training system similar to what my wrestlers get every week and have gotten here for decades

I know – its only rec league – but we lost and I hate losing.

The system I installed could be defined as such:

1. study the key skills
2. teach the key skills
3. train athletes to develop these key skills
4. use skills in live practice situations
5. use them in live game situations.

If anyone recognized this pattern, it closely mirrors Phase Five that we've been talking about for a while now.

So the last game of the season arrives and we're playing the same team again.  They hype the game to their team as a “championship game” even though the league never called it that.  They're bragging about being undefeated, even though they 'borrowed” (aka cheated by snagging) other players not on their roster in order to secure wins.

We were given the option of not playing this team, due to their cheating ways.

Well you already know the answer to that.

Of course we played them.

And we beat them.

The skills we worked on for weeks paid off in a big way as we shut them down for most of the game.

Yes, I know it was only a recreational league game, but ultimately, that doesn't matter.

My team learned valuable lessons about perseverance, hard work, learning a system and implementing it.

I couldn't be prouder of them, but I especially have a message for anyone who makes the mistake of mislabeling me

Don’t ever tell ME I’m not competitive.
Learn to capitalize from these FATAL FLAWS committed by nearly every wrestler.

Throughout my 25+ years of training athletes, I have stumbled across numerous technical flaws that are prevalent in the wrestling world… 

Positions, techniques, moves that are flawed, but so commonplace, that nearly every wrestler commits them.

Just recently I watched a young man lose an NCAA National Championship due to committing one of these flaws.

Every year I see athletes commit two very big flaws while attempting a takedown.  These two are so prevalent that they can be seen in practically every single wrestling match.

Leg riders benefit greatly from two huge flaws that nearly every wrestler commits in attempting to counter legs.

Here are some of the most common fatal flaws in wrestling:

  • Locking hands wrong on a standing single (cost the above mentioned wrestler a national title)
  • Go behind attempt for takedown (2 flaws)
  • Leg riding – positioning (going to the hip) and attacking with the wrong arm
  • Two on One counters (committed by many high level athletes and taught incorrectly by many high level coaches)

Interestingly enough, most wrestlers and coaches believe they know exactly how to win from these positions, but sadly, most of them are misinformed, which is why these flaws continue to perpetuate.

There are at least 4 more on the feet that I can think of at the top of my head, (and probably another dozen if you give me another half hour), but I won't get into the specifics until the upcoming Takedown Master Camp, where I will be exposing these critical flaws in detail…and showing athletes in attendance how to beat their opponents by exploiting these weaknesses.

There are tons of them from the top/down position, in addition to the leg counters and top position, and you will be trained to take advantage at the upcoming Mat Crush Camp.

Youth wrestlers face even more fatal flaws, some related to beating head & arm and cement mixers.  These are easily fixed and you will be trained to do so at the Fall Youth Takedown Camp.

Every wrestler can win more matches immediately by learning how to beat fatal flaws.  That's why these flaws are exposed during camp – so you are ready to take advantage when the season gets rolling.

Please don't make the mistake of thinking you will “learn it on the fly” in the middle of the season.  Its a fatal error many people make, and unfortunately, the result is desperately trying to play catch-up in the middle of the season instead of excelling right out of the gate.

If you're a wrestler, now is your chance to learn what most don't know, expose and beat these fatal flaws.  Its agonizing seeing wrestlers devastated by losing in these ways.

Breaking News: A Home Run is now worth 2

What would you think if you woke up to this news?

The news that overnight, in the middle of the baseball season, they suddenly changed the rules so drastically that runs were counted differently?

Now we all know this isn’t going to happen…in Baseball.

But in Freestyle and Greco wrestling, this happens on a regular basis.  Just this year, the 5 point grand amplitude throw – I’d call it the Grand Slam of Greco wrestling – was in the rules…and then OUT…and now, as of today, back IN.

We wonder why we struggle in Freestyle and Greco – sports that are immensely more exciting than tons of sports out there – including the much more popular baseball – and then we see these drastic mid-season rules changes.

I implore the powers that be (UWW, I’m talking to you), to stop a minute and think about what you are doing.

Changing rules in such a flippant manner cheapens our sport and harms it more than you realize.

Why the Cleveland State saga should be a warning to us all

On March 30, Cleveland State University voted to no longer fund the wrestling program, and instead, add Lacrosse.  Fortunately, we have recently gotten word that CSU has reversed course and wrestling has been saved.  However, this should act as a wake-up call to all of us.

Let's start with Lacrosse.

If you are asking yourself why an Ohio college would pick up a sport like Lacrosse, let me throw some descriptions your way:


  • Exciting
  • Fastest growing sport
  • Inexpensive
  • Will bring in fans
These are all descriptions being used when describing Lacrosse.

Don't we wish these very same things were being said about our sport!

In the future, the very survival of wrestling could well depend on that very factor…yet here we still sit, stuck in the mud accepting what we've currently got.

And I know my thoughts may alienate a lot of people, but that's a chance I'm willing to take.

My vision for this sport is much brighter than the current reality, because I see a path to wrestling being that sport.

The sport that is so exciting you don't want to miss it.

Athletes who attack relentlessly, constantly putting the opponent on the defense and pushing the action.

If that sounds familiar to some of you, its because I've been pushing this up-tempo style for years now and training athletes to do so through my Attack System.

Its the way I believe matches should be wrestled, and its what I believe is the key to the future of our sport.

If athletes everywhere attacked relentlessly, how much fun would our sport be to watch?  Even better yet, how much more fun would our sport be for athletes competing in it?

Now, rules committees from college on down to high school have to get on board as well.  It can no longer be good enough to accept a boring, stalling wrestler being a champion.  We want people to look at a wrestler and say, “That's why he's a champ – because he attacks relentlessly!”

On the college level, some of the rules changes that would help are:

  • Bring back the 1 second near fall like it used to be, rewarding athletes taking chances on top
  • Don't reward riding time points unless near fall is scored (thank you to my friend Coach Jason for that one)
  • Take a point every time someone goes out of bounds.
  • Eliminate the horrible 4 point defensive lineman stance (if you get in it, you have 3 seconds to attack or you are stalling)
  • Eliminate stall tactics such as grabbing fingers and other blocks that don't lead to an attack.

That's just a start.  I'd like to hear from you if you have more rules changes that you feel would make the sport more exciting.  Send me an email and let me know.

My wrestling friends, we have to push the action!  Let's not wait until its too late!

I often ask myself, Is the wrestling world ready for this attacking system of wrestling?  If you'd like to read more about it, click the button below and read all about it.

Congratulations, you got a great draw, and here’s how I know that
Picture  Attention State Qualifying Wrestler:  I saw your bracket and you got a great draw!

Picture Attention State Qualifying Wrestler: I saw your bracket and you got a great draw!

Do you want the truth?  Sure you can handle the truth??

The reason I say you got a great draw, is because you are on the bracket.

Think about all those athletes sitting at home this weekend who didn’t get on the bracket.

Here’s the problem I see though, and it happens way too often…  

Brackets come out.  Athletes, coaches and parents pore over them meticulously – and then proceed to decide when their athlete is going to get beat, and by whom.

I’m sure you’ve seen this too.  In fact, maybe you’ve even been guilty of it.  

The truth is, looking at the bracket has absolutely no value in helping you perform at your best in that match.


Just a few weeks ago, one of my athletes asked me, “If I lose, who do I wrestle next?” 

I knew as soon as I heard him utter this deadly phrase,  that I’d better get to work changing his mindset or the match wasn’t going to go well.

This is your opportunity to shine.  Why would you want to dampen it by killing off your chances before the whistle blows?

Take my advice and try this….

  • Don’t look past your first opponent on the bracket.
  • Determine that you are going to put yourself in the very best mindset to wrestle your very best match.
  • Spend time doing mental reps, visualizing yourself shaking his hand, putting him on defense right away and executing your plan.

Then visualize your hand being raised in victory.

No matter who the opponent is, your mental approach should be the same.

See why looking at the bracket doesn’t make a bit of difference?

Now, whatever you do, don’t waste your opportunity doing what a lot of wrestlers do, and beat yourself before you wrestle!

Take a winning approach, as I outlined above.  Its immensely more effective – and makes wrestling a lot more fun, too.

There’s an untold secret that can unlock that winning approach for you. 

Its a proven fact that wrestlers who have learned a process have more confidence when they hit that mat than any other.

To learn more about having a winning process, click here.