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Its a Party!


Attack System Post Pandemic Training Event (its FREE!*)



*You must be pre-registered to attend.  No Walk-ins at door

Your journey starts here


Date:  June 2
Time:  7:00 – 8:30 pm
Arrival:  6:45 – 6:55 pm


What all is included:

How to Force your opponent into defense

  • Your very first step that stops the quick shot off the whistle
  • how to ensure you gain a positional advantage immediately
  • plus the secret rule that forces you to force them

The collegiate method to beat head ties

  • every time they grab your head it creates a scoring opportunity for YOU
  • creates openings
  • forces them to retreat or be attacked
  • Far superior to the most common yet deeply flawed method

Short offense

  • three critical yet easy to learn techniques to sharply increase your points off your  opponents' attacks
  • One easy movement that shuts down the faster adversary
  • most reliable takedown in wrestling (far more takedowns happen here than in front headlock)
  • critical mistakes most wrestlers never fix from short offense (you can fix them in one night)

Powerful hips series 

  • score (at least) 5 different ways from bottom 
  • an explosive series with endless combinations that's easy to learn
  • easily force your opponent to switch sides

The Granby 

  • Use it to exploit the most common mistakes in wrestling – mistakes that are baked in to most wrestlers' psyche.
  • The easiest method to learn the granby (much easier than traditional methods)
  • One simple movement that makes all the difference against the most advanced wrestlers (miss this point and the granby is “just another move"

Health Protocols for this event:


The following agenda applies to ALL athletes and parents in the program – be ready to follow each step when you arrive.

*Email Check-in:  Prior to this event, submit an email check-in to report the following:


*If any of the following are a YES, please report that to me via email and stay home that day.  Otherwise, report a “No."

  • Known exposure to anyone Covid-19 positive within the past 7 days
  • Fever
  • Exhibiting symptoms of Covid-19, including dry cough, sneezing, shortness of breath, fever, loss of taste or smell, etc.
  • Report to me if your athlete has developed a rash anywhere on the body so it can be evaluated prior to the session.
  • Arrive by the Arrival Time or up to 15 minutes early.

*What Happens upon your athlete's arrival:

  • All athletes entering the building will get a temperature check.  Any fevers over 100.3, the athlete will be send home.
  • All athletes will then undergo a thorough skin check while stripped to a suitable undergarment (yes, that means have underwear on).

*Note:  Showering after sessions is highly recommended but not required.  We have a locker room with 5 showers and privacy curtains for each.

Bring Your Own Towel if you are showering.


How to join us

All invitations to this event arrive via email.


Join here and look for upcoming emails about this event