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Wrestle Your Best…Every Match!

Date:  December 27, 2023*****

Time:  6:30 – 9:00 pm

Now that this event is over….

You can still purchase this package and get the benefits from our Wrestle Your Best event.  Obviously you won’t get the “In-Room" experience….but we recorded the entire event and make it available to you – and send you the packet that every wrestler received.

Our goal may be to win every match.  But it should really be this:

Wrestle your best…Every Match.

If you’ve ever left the mat feeling like you didn’t wrestle your best,  this program is for you.

Here’s what you get in this program:

  • How to handle the “butterflies" – nerves that crush your performance
  • Handle mid-match adversity
  • What should be your approach when wrestling athletes much higher ranked, more experienced, and heavily favored.
  • Your one minute confidence boost (a quick and easy guide you can use immediately)

In addition to the following:

  • A powerful trick to Fixing your biggest technical   issues –  and keeping them fixed 
  • How to set your personal  pre match routine – mentally and physically – that prepares you to wrestle your best.
  • How to flip that switch in practice and matches 

Register here:
