Your Exclusive Attack System Gold Home Page
Upcoming (and past) Gold events:
Monday September 23, 7:30 pm: Special ACE Grinder Training (open to all ACE members as well)
Tuesday October 15, 7:30 pm: Exclusive Gold/Silver Advanced Training: Game of Throwns Advanced.: We build off the skills from ACE’s special Game of Throwns session (Sun. Sep 22) and expand them.
Monday October 21, 7:30 pm: Special ACE Grinder Training (open to all ACE members)
Monday November 4, 7:30 pm: Special ACE Grinder Training (open to all ACE members)
Tuesday November 5, 7:30 pm: Exclusive Gold/Silver Elite Training: Be ready for high level technique!
Tuesday December 3, 7:30 pm: Exclusive Gold/Silver Elite Training: Be ready for high level technique!
Grinder Sessions: Intense, in-your-face, fast-paced workouts that will push you hard to prepare you for the upcoming season! Warning: NOT for the faint of heart!
Fall Training Camps (as listed on the website): you are automatically enrolled!
In-Season Small Group Training: already enrolled!
Spring: Club Simpson/Elite: already enrolled!
Summer: your spot is secure in attack system camps for your age group!
a quick look at the benefits of Attack System Gold
- special member-only sessions
- inside track to brand new trainings
- Your personal road map designed specifically for you
- my personal attention and guidance on everything from weight management, strength assessment and training, goal setting, mental edge training, and, of course, charting your quickest path to great success.
- Discounts to potential upcoming trainings, books, etc.
- Attack Club East (Fall Club)
- Both Fall Camps (Youth Gold: 1 Fall Camp)
- Small Group Training – our in-season program
- Club Simpson Elite (Club Simpson for younger athletes)
- Both High School Summer Camps (Youth: both youth camps)
- Both Attack System Premier Events (HS/Junior High Athletes)
In addition:
- Your full athlete personal evaluation (mental edge, physical strength assessment, alpha weight evaluation, goals assessment + path to success blueprint. Estimate: personal 2 hour session in addition to approximately 2 hours of evaluation. This will be one of the very first sessions conducted through your Attack System Gold Membership, so we can chart your path to greater success.
- 4 1 hr Personal Training sessions (Value: $80/session = $320)
- Handfighting Extravaganza DVD (Value: $49)
- Attack System Wrestling from neutral/feet combined DVD’s [Value: $118]
- Mental edge workshop
- Special Attack System GOLD Gear (exclusive fight shorts and shirt). [Value: roughly $115]
Access to exclusive advanced Gold Member-only training sessions, including:
- Gold Members Hand-fight session
- Inside Series Workshop – focusing on relentlessly getting to our most powerful series
- High level strategies bonus sessions
- Bonus Fall Grinder Elite trainings
- Possible Bonus workouts not yet announced