Welcome to THE Exclusive Small Group Training Palace! Now, for some Bonuses!
The TRUE Secret to Set-ups – Revealed (Jan 19)
Our recent training was a perfect example of how to OWN your opponent with a simple 3-step set-up, Jedi-Mind-Control style.
You can apply the same principle to any setup you use!
Step One: Take a minute to write down your favorite set-up.
Step Two: Jot down the 3 most common reactions your opponent gives you to that set-up.
Step Three – jot down your attack for each reaction.
Now go drill it and internalize it so you are so efficient at it, you could run the entire series in your sleep.
The 4 Tenets of Leg Ride Countering
Without these 4 key principles, your leg ride counters are just hit or miss (usually miss)
The Next Generation
What happens when they stop your standup? Discover how to turn their most likely reaction into surefire points for you!
***Bonus Video **
Attack Barn Address
Training is located at the Attack Barn in Pataskala. The address is: 10740 Refugee Rd SW, Pataskala OH 43062. For privacy reasons, I do NOT publish this anywhere else. PLEASE DO NOT SHARE THIS WITH OTHERS.
The facility is located 450 feet off the road, and we are 1/2 mile West of Rte 310, 5 minutes off I-70. We are located on the North side of the road.
2021-22 Small Group Training Core Workout Schedule:
Junior High and High School:
- Dec: Nov 28, Dec 5, 12, 19
- January: 9, 16, 23 ,30
- February: 6, 13, 20, 27 ***(March 6)
- Dec: Nov 29,, Dec 6, 13, 20
- January: 10, 17, 24, 31
- February: 7, 14, 21, 28 ***(March 7)
Core Training Days and times
- Junior High/High School: Sundays: 6:30 – 8:00 pm**
- Youth: Monday: 7:00 – 8:30 pm
- Bonus Workouts (Tuesdays/Wednesdays, select dates): 7:30 – 8:30 (or 8:45).
Update for the week of February 13 (please note the time change on the 13th)
- Sunday Feb 13 (HS/Jr High): 11 am – 12:30 pm (special time)
- Monday Feb 14 (Youth): 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm.
- Tuesday Feb 15 (ALL): Special Event: Winning the Match in your Head: 7:30 – 9:00 pm (invite your friends)
- Wednesday Feb 16 (ALL): Bonus training: 7:30 – 9:00 pm
- Thursday Feb 17 (ALL): Bonus Training: 7:30 – 9:00 pm.
Everything you need to know but were not afraid to ask….
Small Group Training Health Protocol
The following agenda applies to ALL athletes and parents in the program – be ready to follow each step when you arrive.
Email Check-in: Prior to the session each day, submit an email check-in to report the following:
If any of the following are a YES, please report that to via email and stay home that day. Otherwise, report a “no”.
- Known Exposure to anyone Covid-19 positive within the past 7 days
- Fever
- Exhibiting symptoms of covid-19, including dry cough, sneezing, shortness of breath, fever, etc.
- Other illnesses, etc.
- Report to me if your athlete has developed a rash anywhere on the body. if so, I will be checking that rash prior to the session.
Arrive 10 – 15 minutes early
All athletes entering the building will get a temperature check. Athletes should be checked ahead of time at home to determine if they have a fever. If so, stay home.
All athletes will then undergo a thorough skin check while stripped to a suitable undergarment (yes, that means have underwear on).
After the training session: all athletes are strongly encouraged to shower prior to leaving the building.
What to Pack in your bag:
- Towel (or use one of ours)
- Workout shirt
- Extra clothes to change into after the session
- Your wrestling shoes
- Headgear