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As you consider your son’s path to long term success, I thought it would be helpful to see what things might look like in the near future. Hence, this video.

Your Youth Wrestler’s path to long-term success

Just as the athletes in the video start with fundamental movements and positioning in wrestling, your son's path will be similar.

Here, we don't start with the "magic moves" and skip the essentials - because our emphasis is on the long-term, not the short term. As we say around here, "Its a marathon, not a sprint". Young athletes in particular have to be enjoying the process or they are very likely to fall victim to burnout. Burnout levels in wrestling are extremely high, as it is a very demanding sport. We design our programs, and counsel parents and coaches, specifically to greatly reduce the risks of burnout.

I want your young athlete to learn to love the sport so he still wants to wrestle a decade from now. My parents guide to youth wrestling was specifically designed to address this issue, as well as a host of other issues.

Youth Training Opportunities

Summer Training

Due to greatly increased demand, we are constantly expanding opportunities for youth wrestlers.

Summer Camps are a good example of this.

We now offer 4 youth training camps: Two for athletes in grades 4-6, and two for athletes in grades 1-3. This, along with our *size restrictions on youth camps has allowed us to give each young athlete the attention needed for the best camp experience.

*We only accept around 15 athletes in 1st-3rd grade, and around 20-25 athletes in 4th-6th grade.