Steve Jobs.
Bill Gates.
John Smith.
Cael Sanderson.
On the surface, these great men would not appear to have anything in common.
However, a deeper look tells a different story.
Each of them was successful because they utilized the principles of FOCUS.
As a competitor, John Smith used one move – the low ankle single. Everyone in the world knew he was going to do it. Nobody could stop him.
Cael Sanderson was going to grab your head and ankle pick you. Everyone in the world knew it. Nobody could stop him.
Bill Gates and Steve Jobs did the same with business. Focused on one course until successful. Competitors often knew what they were going to do. Nobody could stop them.
Which brings me to the point that will certainly rile up many people…
it starts with this question I recently was asked by a parent: Do you accept walk-ins?
I know what you’re thinking, what does that question have to do with Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, John Smith and Cael Sanderson?
Hold yee horses as I explain.
Regarding the question posted above: there is absolutely a place in my program for athletes to try out this training. Everyone starts somewhere after all, and if you haven’t given it a try, how do you know if it is a fit?
Indeed, my program, my personality, my style, is NOT a fit for everyone. Not everyone is willing to take the short path to success either – actually most insist on taking the long way around.
And the system of training that I employ IS a system built to shorten one's learning curve, hence the short path instead of the scenic route.
Now for the part that will tick off the most people….
It doesn’t happen through the drop-in training mentality.
Example in point:
How will your high school sophomore learn geometry the fastest? By being taught 4 different methods on 4 separate days? Imagine how confusing that would be.
Instead, he will become proficient at geometry much more quickly by learning one system until successful.
That’s your quickest path to learning geometry – as well as wrestling, programming, or any other meaningful skill.
So when another parent asked me about dropping in on training whenever it fit their schedule, I had to tell him, that’s not how we roll here.
(try-outs are offered from time to time – drop-ins whenever, are not).
My system of wrestling that I have developed over 30 plus years of training athletes, works best for athletes and parents who commit to training in this system and following my process.
And I reward such commitment. Hence, the higher level of commitment, the best rate. Athletes who made the year-round commitment pay a fraction of those who go program to program. And athletes who commit to a full month, or season, pay a fraction of what someone does who tries it out on a one-time basis (although you are given a chance to save significantly, right away, if you decide it is a fit and you want to stay).
The try-out period for in-season training is about over. We are getting too late in the season. But if you want to give it a try (this might be the last week to do so), and see if you are a fit, go here. If you use your promo code (if you're new to the list, that is), you can get in for as little as $34.
PS. Spring is right around the corner, and we focus completely on the olympic styles of freestyle and greco wrestling, because the gains athletes make from doing so, far surpass the gains made by athletes who only wrestle folk style in the spring. The skills shown the very first night in fact, are so powerful, that you can use them to shut down 95% of all top position attacks.
You can try out spring training on Tuesday March 24 for the extremely low $10 (listed at $25 but use the promo code in emails – this offer won’t last long though). The promo code is worth $15 savings on this try-out session.