Well I know what's right, I got just one life
in a world that keeps on pushin' me around
but I'll stand my ground,
and I won't back down.
-Tom Petty
Big fan of Tom Petty. RIP to his family, fans and friends.
One of my favorite songs is his classic, I won’t back down.
It shouts from the rooftops to anyone who’s ever struggled and been told NO, you can’t do that. You CAN’T accomplish that.
Here are a few lines from the song:
Well I know what’s right, I got just one life
in a world that keeps on pushin’ me around
but I’ll stand my ground, and I won’t back down.
And just like the song – I won’t back down, either.
I stand, defiantly, against all who said (still say) I can’t do it – and I do it anyway!
I stand, defiantly, against all who said (still say) I can’t do it – and I do it anyway!
I have spent 30 years defiantly NOT backing down, crafting Attack System Wrestling into a powerful, dominating system of wrestling – when many told me I’d never make it…
training generations of athletes to beat the common traits of the wrestling world in unique ways.
And I defiantly thumb my nose at those who doubt me.
Here’s a truth for you: You’re going to be told “You Can’t" a lot, too.
I want you to be as defiant as I have been and refuse to back down!
Refuse to accept second best…
And Refuse to let anyone tell you you can’t do something, that you’re not good enough, not athletic enough, not talented enough!
Its garbage and I want you to ignore it!
This Friday’s (basically) free event is coming up – this is your opportunity to fight back and learn my methods for beating the common handfighting methods of the wrestling world.
And you can do so because, my ever-so defiant daughter told me last year, when I was having last minute second thoughts and almost backed down…
“We’re doing this." (partly because her grandmother had said she couldn’t do it – she defiantly set out to prove her wrong).
And we did.
25 miles later (and another 7 to get home due to the adrenaline rush), we had completed our first Pelotonia event.
We rode it and never looked back – and I’m glad we did. We rode it for lots of folks who have suffered, and died from cancer.
Like my dad, who was a Korean War veteran, a farmer, a pillar of the community, an artist – and overall one of the nicest people you could ever meet (apparently I got MY personality from my mom’s side).
He’s been gone just over a year – and I think about him every single day.
The Ride was an opportunity to raise money for a great cause – and do so together with my daughter.
The fundraising deadline is Friday – and I am giving it one last push by offering you this outstanding training: Handfighting Extravaganza II.
No entry fee required.
All I ask is to partner with me to help others who have been less fortunate.
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