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Listen to Geico

Several folks recently pointed out this Geico commercial, that features thieves and a getaway car…

and this iconic quote: 

“His name’s Randy.  That’s one of the most trustworthy names.”

 Trust ME when I tell you this:

If you are looking to accomplish the following:

  • the power, confidence and mindset to transition from takedown to turn in a split second
  • the ability to come from way behind and rally to win exciting matches
  • that much-needed killer instinct on the mat
  • automatic hips that do the work instinctively
  • the ability to control and shut down any tie…including the often-feared over-under

you can trust that this is the ticket to accomplishing these things

-Randy (not the uber driver)

PS  Every day we march ever closer to filling up our room for the spring – both the top level, and the introductory level, of our training program.
If you want in…
now’s the time

PPS:  priority goes to first signups.

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