I recently opened up about my son getting released from the hospital after spending basically the entire summer in there.
Here’s the part I didn’t talk about yet.
In the process of shuffling back and forth between three different facilities for tests, blood work and treatment…
He was also tested for Covid-19.
After the 3rd test, the doctor shared this cheerful news: “his Covid test came back negative, but we think there’s a good chance he has it. So we are testing him again.”
To add to the drama, news broke just a few days before our scheduled summer training event, “The Impossible Event” (which, ironically, came close to fulfilling its own prophecy).
I immediately went into self-quarantine (I had just spent the previous evening in the hospital with aforementioned offspring) – and hoped for the best.
I didn’t leave my house or see anyone until the next test result came back. It was a tense couple of hours…
but the next test also came back negative, and the doctor declared that, based on the nature of his pneumonia, he was no longer considered Covid-19 risk.
First thought: “Yeay, my son doesn’t have Covid-19!"
Second thought: Impossible Event: Now Possible!
My third thought: I’m so glad I don’t have to get the Covid test.
It is not a pleasant experience. The test is administered by inserting a 6 inch long “Q-Tip” so far up your nose that it ends up between your nose and your mouth (yes its as bad as it seems, but it gets worse) – then they roll it around up there for about 10-15 seconds.
Then they REPEAT it on the other side – just for good measure, and send it off to the lab for testing.
[I’m just now remembering I forgot to include the ‘unpleasant graphic details’ warning at the top of this article,]
Just speaking for myself but, not only do I have no desire to contract Covid-19….
I have even less desire to be tested for it.
And I will do everything in my power to avoid both – for myself, my family, and my wrestlers.
That’s why the standard here is so high when it comes to our health protocols, especially in this, the Covid Age.
These standards include, among other things:
Before each session…..
- every surface that’s been touched since the last session, is cleaned with a strong disinfectant.
- The mats are disinfected with The industry standard-setting Kenshield cleaner
- Every wrestler’s temperature is taken
- Every parent must verify by email that their son passes the state-standard covid-19 questions (I’m sure you know them by heart by now)
- Every wrestler gets a thorough skin check
- Every wrestler showers and changes out of street clothes (clothes that, for all we know, could have just been sneezed on at the grocery by a covid-carrier)
- Every wrestler changes into clothes he did NOT wear in to the building.
And after every session…
- every wrestler showers and changes out of the clothes he wore during the session.
- The cleaning protocol is repeated in between every session.
- All surfaces disinfected.
- All showers disinfected.
- All surfaces (door knobs and handles, etc, disinfected.
A lot of work, yes.
But to take every precaution in preventing you, or me, from having that 6 inch Covid-Q-Tip stuck up my nose so far it touches the back of my throat, then swabbed around for 15 seconds, and then repeated on the other side?
You bet its worth it.
I also think about that unpleasant Covid-Q-Tip every time I:
- Wash hands
- Wear a mask in Speedway
- Read about a super-spreader event somewhere
- Observe big crowds of people not social distancing, wearing masks or taking any precautions whatsoever
Some of these include wrestling venues – open mats, tournaments and camps, that follow close to none of the above protocols as they pack their gyms, providing a breeding ground for Covid-19, along with other less publicized but very unpleasant diseases such as ringworm, impetigo, and even staff, MRSA-staff, and herpes.
For your safety (and to help you avoid the Q-Tip From Hell), I have completely re-imagined Attack Club East, aka, ACE, the area’s longest running wrestling club, which starts at the end of the month. Available spots are strictly limited, and, after opening this up just yesterday, some of the training groups are already near capacity.
Many of them will be filled very soon.
And yes, I’m adamant about you AND me avoiding the Q-Tip From Hell – so once a group is filled, its filled.
You can read all the details here
To snag your spot before someone else does, go here (please note that the form isn’t included on the first link, only this one.